About the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium (Consortium) was created in 1978 as an independent state agency through Act No. 643 of South Carolina’s Code of Laws. The Consortium is a member of a nationwide network of 34 Sea Grant College Programs that are certified by the National Sea Grant College Program, which is located within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The Consortium is charged with managing and administering the Sea Grant program for the State of South Carolina and regionally.
The Consortium member institutions are Clemson University, Coastal Carolina University, College of Charleston, Francis Marion University, Medical University of South Carolina, S.C. Department of Natural Resources, S.C. State University, The Citadel, and University of South Carolina. The Consortium is well-served by the collaboration of our member institutions who are our partners in research and outreach. An executive officer from each institution comprises our Board of Directors.
Our mission is to generate and provide science-based information on issues and opportunities to improve the social and economic well-being of coastal residents while ensuring the optimal use and conservation of marine and coastal natural resources.
Planning Process for FY24-27
The goal of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s strategic planning process is to optimize the ability of the agency’s research, education, and outreach programs to address the coastal resource needs in South Carolina. The strategic planning process began in December 2021 by the Consortium’s Program Advisory Board (PAB).
The 25-member group represents academic, non-profit, municipal, state, federal, and community organizations. The group reviewed the current strategic plan program sections and quickly worked through an exercise to identify what progress looks like (by 2028) in each of our focus areas. Many groups also were able to prioritize through assessment of importance and feasibility of items. Program specialists shared the current plan and the work of the PAB with each of their advisory committees.
Advisory committee membership is as diverse as the PAB but focused on the issues and opportunities in program areas. Each group discussed and identified changes for the FY 2024-2027 strategic plan. The executive director of the Consortium attended meetings with federal and state leaders in natural resource management and public health, as well as leaders of non-profit organizations active in coastal management to identify their priority issues and opportunities. These organizations included leadership from National Estuarine Research Reserves, the state Coastal Program, and Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association.
Using this information, in addition to information collected over the past year during programs and meetings, the staff crafted the strategic plan. Additional information collected during these meetings will be utilized in program planning while implementing the plan. The PAB met to review a draft strategic plan in June 2022.
The draft strategic plan was delivered to the National Sea Grant Office (NSGO) in August 2022 for review. The Consortium’s Board of Directors met in mid-October 2022 to finalize and approve the plan before final submission to the NSGO on October 26, 2022 for implementation on February 1, 2024.
Mission and Vision
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium generates and provides science-based information on issues and opportunities to improve the social and economic well-being of coastal residents while ensuring the optimal use and conservation of marine and coastal natural resources.
We accomplish this through development of a strategic plan guided by the research and information needs of all of our residents, businesses, visitors, local and state governments, and other organizations.
“Coastal Science Serving South Carolina”
While the focus of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium is on coastal and ocean resources and communities, we are mindful of the watershed interrelationships throughout South Carolina.
Vision for the Consortium
To lead residents of and visitors to South Carolina in becoming more resilient and science-literate through delivering impactful science-based information.
Vision for the Coast
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium envisions a thriving South Carolina where the following statements are true:
- Coastal and marine resources are healthy and abundant.
- Access to natural resources and sustainable economic opportunity is equitable, inclusive, and just.
- Decision-makers are incorporating sound scientific information into their choices about coastal population growth, sustainable development, ecosystem health, and public safety.
- Communities manage the impacts of coastal population growth and climate change to support a vigorous and inclusive economy and high quality of life for all citizens.
- Youth are knowledgeable about the importance of coastal and marine resources, as well as the challenges these resources face.
- A diverse workforce is well-informed regarding the environmental issues pertinent to their personal and professional lives and have equal access to the “blue workforce.”
- People across the state and region are informed about coastal and marine resource issues and practice good stewardship of resources.
- Individuals, businesses, and governments fully understand and anticipate the coastal risks that confront them, planning and adapting to reduce those risks.
Core Values
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium operates on a core set of values that are essential for successful performance.
How We Work
We accomplish our program goals through applied scientific research that answers priority questions, extension of research results to stakeholders and end-users of information and engagement of researchers in solving community issues, providing marine science education-focused curricula, and communication through multiple mediums including reports, fact sheets, infographics, magazines, websites, and social media.
Cross-Cutting Principles
Some principles are inherent to all the core programs of the Consortium. For example, you will not find separate sections for Resilience and DEI or for programs that include internships, fellowships, and scholars. Each topic area includes the cross-cutting principles. The Consortium achieves excellence in its mission by adhering to the following cross-cutting principles:
- People are our greatest asset.
- Stakeholder input drives programs and activities.
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion principles are a core component of everything we do across research, extension, education, communication, training, and stakeholder engagement.
- Environmental justice principles through the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, or genetic factors with respect to the development and implementation of environmental policies are encouraged for all activities.
- The value of working with partners from all sectors and across the southeastern U.S. region is critical to our success.
- Consortium programs embrace interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches that incorporate research, extension, education, communication, training, stakeholder engagement, and workforce development.
- The impacts of climate change are assessed through all of our focus areas. Resiliency and adaptation are addressed in all areas.
- Integrity, accuracy, accountability, and transparency are key components of the agency’s ethical standards, performance, and achievement of results.
- Agility, flexibility, and entrepreneurship create strategic opportunities for addressing emerging and contemporary issues important to South Carolina and the region.
- Developing cohorts of well-trained and diverse students across multiple scientific disciplines helps develop the next generation of experts on coastal topics.
- Quality of work is assured through a competitive peer-review process for selection of activities and review of results.
- Science-based information is expressed in an objective fashion and delivered in formats and terms suitable for diverse audiences.
- Results are evaluated to assure relevancy and success in meeting program objectives and constituent needs.
- Consortium staff seek active roles in local, state, regional, and national partnerships and collaborations.
Consortium Administration and Management
In order to achieve success at the highest level, S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s program administration ensures our internal and external customers’ needs are fulfilled through attentive and responsible management of resources, expedient communication, collaborative coordination, and reliable planning and forecasting.
Connecting with Users
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium connects with its stakeholders and constituencies by seeking input from them to (1) establish programmatic needs and priorities, and (2) deliver results from Consortium efforts back to our constituents. This two-way exchange of information is critical to the success of the agency in delivering products and services to the citizens of South Carolina and the Southeast U.S.
The Consortium continuously and consistently seeks involvement and input from its constituents, Board of Directors, Program Advisory Board, liaisons at its member institutions, and Sea Grant Extension and Education Program Advisory Committees to help shape Consortium priorities and programs. This ensures that our activities are responsive to the needs of the Consortium’s stakeholders and allows us to determine:
- Priority needs pertaining to coastal and ocean resources use and conservation;
- Current activities that are underway to address these needs;
- Priority needs that are not being adequately addressed by current activities; and
- Most importantly, specific potential actions that the Consortium can take to address these unmet needs.
The agency has no resource management or regulatory responsibilities. This allows the Consortium to maintain a non-advocacy role and serve as a neutral third party. The products, activities, and services generated and disseminated by the Consortium are at the request of its constituencies. Consortium funded-research projects also produce quality scientific publications.
Strategic Plan: A Framework for Action
The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium has developed its FY2024-27 strategic plan to address contemporary coastal and marine resource issues facing South Carolina. These goals and objectives serve as a guide and filter for Sea Grant programmatic activities that the Consortium will undertake over the next four years, which include the Consortium’s plans for integrated research, education, extension, communications, and training activities.
The strategic plan includes an overall vision, goals, objectives, and outcomes for the Consortium’s five Programmatic Focus Areas. Each Focus Area includes a Vision and Goals. For each Goal, one to three Objectives are identified; for each Objective, a set of Outcomes, and Performance Measures and Targets are provided.
These are defined as:
- Vision – the overall result desired within each Focus Area.
- Goals – the specific target or end result desired within each Focus Area.
- Objectives – specific program/management areas of emphasis that will be addressed.
- Outcomes – the end results or consequences of the strategies employed.
- Performance Measures – the measures to be used to evaluate success in achieving objectives.
- Targets – the predicted level of each performance measure over the four-year period.
Programmatic Focus Areas
Five programmatic areas have been identified by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and are consistent with the National Sea Grant Office’s four goals. The Consortium creates a separate focus area for Weather and Climate Resilience.
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems
Sustainable Coastal Development and Economy
Weather and Climate Resilience
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Scientific Literacy and Workforce Development
Programmatic areas outlined in this plan will not necessarily be completed within the four-year time frame, but rather reflect research, extension, education, communications, and training priorities that the Consortium will use to take advantage of opportunities. For example, the Consortium will issue requests for proposals related to the Programmatic Focus Areas; however, the priorities that will be pursued will be determined in part by those proposals received and favorably considered, through the agency’s rigorous peer review process.
Within the strategic plan the goals and objectives are listed within their primary focus area. However, they also may be appropriate to other strategic focus areas which are represented by the icons at the end of objectives.
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems
The changing ecological, social, economic, and cultural values of coastal and ocean ecosystem functions are documented and resultant information and tools are delivered to state and local decision-makers, resource managers, and the interested public for ecosystem-based planning.
Goal 1
Sound scientific information is available to support ecosystem-based knowledge and approaches to land use and resource management decision-making throughout the coastal and ocean environment.
Objective 1.1: Generate and deliver information to residents and coastal decision-makers on changes to ecosystem condition and health due to natural and anthropogenic forces, including climate change.
Objective 1.2: Develop and assess practical and realistic models and tools that predict water quality and water quantity impacts and inform management, including climate change impact forecasts, pollutant transport, and land use change impacts on coastal watersheds.
Objective 1.3: Integrate baseline data, standards, and key indicators to support ecosystem management decision-making affecting land, water, coastal and ocean resources, and public health.
Goal 1 Anticipated Outcomes:
- South Carolinians are more knowledgeable about the natural and anthropogenic processes that influence the health of South Carolina’s estuaries and coastal ocean waters.
- Residents and natural-resource managers are more likely to adopt protection and enhancement methods and holistic watershed-scale management planning for the conservation and improvement of South Carolina’s coastal habitats.
- Science-based information is provided to natural-resource managers and decision-makers to support national, regional, state, and local resource-management objectives.
Goal 2
Productivity and function of coastal and ocean ecosystems are improved through restoration of function and enhancement.
Objective 2.1: Support preservation, enhancement, restoration, and outreach education of coastal and marine habitats, such as oyster and salt marsh habitats.
Objective 2.2: Develop and provide new information, methods, and technologies on shifting ranges of flora and fauna species; in particular, to help minimize the introduction, spread, and negative impacts of coastal and ocean invasive species.
Objective 2.3: Support efforts that mitigate the impacts of pollution on natural resources and coastal communities.
Goal 2 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Oyster and salt marsh ecosystems are enhanced and restored through research and outreach programming.
- The identification of and changes in species ranges are documented, and invasive species mitigation measures are developed and implemented as applicable.
- Coastal and marine ecosystems are less impacted by pollution.
Performance Measures and Four-Year Targets
- Number of resource managers who use ecosystem-based approaches in the management of land, water, and living resources as a result of Sea Grant activities. [NSGO Measure] 4
- Number of acres of coastal habitat protected, enhanced, or restored as a result of Sea Grant activities. [NSGO Measure] 2
- Number of tools and technologies developed with Consortium support and used in ecosystem-based management, habitat restoration, and valuation. [NSGO Cross-Cut Measure] 12
- Number of scientific, technical, and educational products produced by the Consortium and its partners that describe ecosystem processes, foster healthy coastal ecosystems, and address issues related to aquatic invasive species.18
- Attendance at Consortium-sponsored/co-sponsored ecosystems and resource management workshops and information events. 1,400
Sustainable Coastal Development and Economy
Decision-makers apply science-based information and tools to manage increased population growth and development resulting in sustainable and diverse communities, thriving economies, and healthy natural resources.
Goal 1
Healthy and viable coastal communities and economies include economic opportunity and equity in coastal access.
Objective 1.1: Provide information and tools to coastal communities to enhance waterfront-related economic opportunities (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing, aquaculture, energy, and port development) while sustaining the health of the coastal environment and cultural identity.
Objective 1.2: Inform and assist coastal tourism and recreation businesses to foster a balance between the vitality and abundance of South Carolina’s coastal and marine resources and the economic health of the tourism industry that depends on them.
Objective 1.3: Support local, state, regional, and national efforts to preserve and increase equitable public recreation and subsistence access to South Carolina’s beaches, waterfronts, and waterways.
Goal 1 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Working waterfront uses and shoreline access become a prominent subject in the public dialogue on waterfront development.
- Increased participation in low-impact nature-based tourism activities.
- Enhanced economic opportunity for rural, coastal small businesses.
Goal 2
Coastal communities manage and conserve the resources needed to sustain their diversity and quality of life in light of rapid population growth, land-use change, and variations in climate and weather.
Objective 2.1: Work with federal, state, and local partners to develop and disseminate assessment tools, model plans and ordinances, best management practices, alternative development approaches, social science studies, and other techniques that will enable communities to develop in environmentally and socially sound ways.
Objective 2.2: Communicate research and information related to the effects of land-use change, dredging, population growth, and climate and weather patterns on coastal and ocean ecosystems to coastal communities in support of decision-making.
Objective 2.3: Identify, test, and deliver local and regional information on the cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of watershed planning and management techniques (e.g., low impact development, green infrastructure) in controlling non-point source pollution and in managing stormwater runoff.
Goal 2 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Existing population growth and land-use change models are refined and improved.
- Science-informed land-use practices are utilized to enhance community well-being.
- South Carolina decision-makers understand the impacts of development on coastal and ocean resources and develop strategies to address them.
Goal 3
State and local decision-makers possess the knowledge about the complex inter-relationships among the social, economic, cultural, and environmental characteristics of the coastal ocean environment of the state and Southeast region.
Objective 3.1: Document the ecological, economic, policy, and societal implications of offshore energy development on the South Carolina coastal landscape.
Objective 3.2: Support regional coastal and ocean planning, management, and observational activities by proactively engaging stakeholders/constituents.
Goal 3 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Regional approaches are incorporated into coastal land-use and watershed planning efforts by local governments.
- Decisions related to offshore energy and ocean uses and planning are addressed at a regional scale using science-based information.
- State and local decision-makers possess the tools necessary to manage emerging uses and optimize economic and environmental sustainability.
Performance Measures and Four-Year Targets
- Number of communities that adopt/implement sustainable economic and environmental development practices and policies as a result of Sea Grant activities. [NSGO Measure] 16
- Number of coastal communities engaged in planning and development activities that address the needs of working waterfront communities and economic and environmental sustainability. 12
- Number of coastal communities who have used Consortium and partner-generated science-based information related to offshore energy and ocean uses. 2
- Number of scientific, technical, and educational products produced by the Consortium and its partners that focus on issues of importance to sustainable coastal communities and economic development. 40
- Attendance at Consortium-sponsored/co-sponsored sustainable coastal development and economy workshops and information events. 1,600
Weather and Climate Resilience
Coastal communities, residents, and businesses understand the risks and vulnerabilities associated with chronic and episodic weather and climate events, and are prepared for and able to recover from and adapt to these hazards with minimal disruption to social, economic, and natural systems.
Goal 1
Widespread community understanding of the risks associated with living, working, and doing business along the South Carolina coast encourages public and private decision-makers to create and adopt policies, plans, and ordinances to reduce risks, manage weather and climate events, and speed recovery.
Objective 1.1: Assess and estimate short-term weather and long-term climate change impacts and the associated risks for citizens, industries, built and natural environments, economies, and cultural resources to support optimal decision-making.
Objective 1.2: Evaluate and tailor weather and climate mitigation planning and adaptation tools for coastal communities in South Carolina by conducting and conveying results from case studies and community-scale vulnerability analyses.
Objective 1.3: Provide science-based information to resource management agencies, policy-makers, and local governments, through newly established and maintained partnerships, to improve community capacity to prepare for, adapt to, mitigate, and recover from weather and climate hazards.
Objective 1.4: Engage in meaningful information exchange and knowledge co-production with historically and currently underserved communities and neighborhoods in order to support science-based and place-based adaptation actions that enhance community resilience to climate change.
Objective 1.5: Implement public education programs on short- and long-term climate variability and long-term hazards (e.g., sea-level rise, high-tide flooding).
Goal 1 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Coastal communities are engaged in solution-oriented planning to adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts.
- Mitigation and adaptation techniques and planning tools are developed and used in response to changing conditions in vulnerable areas.
- Data visualization and decision-support tools provide communities with pertinent, comprehensive, and timely information for planning and response.
- Coastal decision-makers have the capacity to incorporate science-based data and information in hazard planning, preparation, emergency management, and response efforts.
Goal 2
Generate and distribute information, management tools, and technologies on beach, marsh, and dune systems that can help communities prepare for and mitigate the impacts of shoreline changes.
Objective 2.1: Evaluate the long-term and episodic trends of hazards on beachfront, estuarine, and tidal marsh shorelines, including the impacts from nourishment and hardened structures and the ability for green infrastructure and nature-based solutions to benefit human and wildlife communities.
Objective 2.2: Generate and deliver information materials on the risks of chronic and episodic events such as rip currents, beach hazards, and flooding to tourists, residents, and communities including rural, island, and underserved communities.
Objective 2.3: Identify and convey information to coastal communities on beachfront, marsh, and estuarine shoreline protection options, including permitting and funding recommendations, particularly for nature-based solutions and water storage.
Goal 2 Anticipated Outcomes:
- State and federal resource management agencies in South Carolina are utilizing shoreline change information in management and policy decision-making.
- As communities are engaged, there is an understanding of the sea-level rise impacts to vulnerable marsh and estuarine shorelines and natural/green restoration and protection methods are widely implemented by communities.
Performance Measures and Four-Year Targets
- Number of communities that adopt/implement hazard resiliency practices to prepare for and respond to/minimize coastal hazardous events. [NSGO Measure] 6
- Number of hazard resiliency training/technical assistance provided to coastal communities in climate adaptation and hazard resiliency, adaptation tools, techniques, and best practices. [NSGO Measure] 60
- Number of communities where hazard resiliency has improved. [NSGO Measure] 8
- Number of scientific, technical, and educational products produced by the Consortium and its partners that address issues and opportunities related to climate hazards, adaptation, and resilience. 30
- Attendance at Consortium-sponsored/co-sponsored weather and climate resilience workshops and information events. 1,000
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the coastal region are economically vibrant and are compatible with changing demographics, business development, regulatory environments, and long-term conservation of natural and cultural resources.
Goal 1
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture that balance the long-term ecological health of the resource and the social, economic, and cultural needs of communities.
Objective 1.1: Support the identification and development of innovative management strategies and other approaches through applied research to maximize the long-term sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture practices in South Carolina, including those focused on commercial, recreational, cultural, and subsistence uses.
Objective 1.2: Enhance the seafood industry (wild caught fisheries and aquaculture) through translational research and technology transfer aimed at increasing sustainability, production, profitability, and symbiosis with social perceptions and other uses of waterways.
Objective 1.3: Foster enhanced communications and information exchange among the fisheries and aquaculture industry, resource management agencies, representatives of diverse and underserved communities, and the public regarding living marine resource management and policy in South Carolina.
Objective 1.4: Support the seafood industry through development of applied programs to provide technical training, experiential learning, and relevant science that enhances an ecosystem approach to fishing and harvesting practices and lessens barriers to industry entrance in South Carolina.
Goal 1 Anticipated Outcomes:
- The seafood community has an increased understanding of fisheries ecology, fisheries management strategies, and the regulatory process.
- The seafood community participates in cooperative research leading to a greater awareness of more sustainable fisheries practices.
- Improved communication, understanding, and collaboration are developed among commercial fisheries stakeholders, aquaculturists, managers, and scientists.
- A greater understanding of the status and trends regarding currently vulnerable and data-poor fisheries.
- Maritime cultural heritage is preserved in South Carolina, and awareness is amplified.
- The aquaculture industry is part of an integrated approach focused on healthy, sustainably harvested populations that support important coastal habitat and ecosystem benefits.
- Relevant science, resources, and technical training enhances support for current and prospective aquaculture industry members.
Goal 2
A healthy domestic seafood industry that harvests, produces, processes, and markets seafood responsibly and sustainably.
Objective 2.1: Seafood businesses adopt socially and economically viable and sustainable production practices.
Objective 2.2: Document impacts from climate change and shifting weather patterns on marine ecology, including expected changes in distribution of fish and shellfish species, and potential implications for wild caught fisheries and aquaculture.
Goal 2 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Seafood industry stakeholder understanding of regulatory processes is enhanced and engagement in management-related activities increases.
- Fishing and aquaculture industries are economically stable, environmentally sustainable, and diverse.
- Seafood harvesters, wholesalers, and distributors adopt safe and responsible practices for harvesting, handling, and marketing their products while pursuing innovation.
- Increased workforce development opportunities for seafood industry stakeholders.
- New methods for environmentally friendly seafood production are pursued.
Performance Measures and Four-Year Targets
- Number of fishermen, seafood processing, or aquaculture industry personnel who modify their practices using knowledge gained in fisheries sustainability and seafood safety as a result of Sea Grant activities. [NSGO Measure] 35
- Number of seafood industry members that receive technical assistance from S.C. Sea Grant Extension Program. 60
- Number of scientific, technical, and educational products produced by the Consortium and its partners that address issues and opportunities related to safe and sustainable seafood. 20
- Attendance at Consortium-sponsored/co-sponsored sustainable fisheries and aquaculture workshops and information events. 250
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development
A scientifically literate public, at both youth and adult levels, that understands the value and vulnerability of coastal and marine resources, makes wise decisions regarding these resources, and supports the development of a diverse and well-trained workforce in coastal- marine-, and STEM-related careers.
Note: Many environmental literacy and workforce development objectives are secondarily related to the other focus areas so we have not marked them with icons.
Goal 1
Coastal and ocean K-12 education programs foster scientific literacy, stewardship, and exposure to ocean- and STEM-based careers in both formal and nonformal settings.
Objective 1.1: Design, implement, and enhance K-12 student marine education and stewardship programs that incorporate the Consortium’s priority research topic areas, are accessible and equitable throughout the diverse communities of the state, and align with the South Carolina College- and Career-Ready State Science Standards.
Objective 1.2: Design, implement, and enhance professional development opportunities for formal and nonformal educators that provide content and resources for incorporating ocean sciences concepts into their place of instruction.
Objective 1.3: Design, implement, and/or enhance environmental stewardship-focused programs that incorporate citizen and/or community science and are inclusive for youth and adults across a range of ages and abilities.
Goal 1 Anticipated Outcomes:
- K-12 educational materials, including curricula, are developed by the Consortium and are being used in classrooms and at informal education facilities throughout South Carolina.
- Coastal Heritage Curriculum Connection is accessed by formal and informal educators.
Goal 2
The next generation of coastal and ocean professionals is diverse and has the scientific and technical skills needed to solve complex resource problems and support a robust coastal economy.
Objective 2.1: Train the future workforce to meet workforce needs in ocean sciences fields.
Objective 2.2: Support the development of a diverse workforce.
Goal 2 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Cultivation and engagement of new faculty are supported through the Consortium.
- Post-secondary student training continues to be a priority for Consortium-supported research projects.
- Opportunities for interdisciplinary fellowships, internships, and research experiences for undergraduate and graduate students are expanded as a result of partnerships with diverse institutions and organizations.
- Culturally diverse undergraduate and graduate students pursuing ocean science careers.
Goal 3
Improve public understanding about the coastal and marine environment and related community issues.
Objective 3.1: Provide engagement opportunities for the interested public.
Objective 3.2: Enhance the level of environmental health literacy, especially in high-exposure communities, to determine effective strategies in raising awareness of the connection between a healthy environment and human well-being.
Objective 3.3: Ensure that Consortium communications and education programs are effective in providing science-based information that is delivered to target audiences in a timely fashion and in appropriate formats.
Goal 3 Anticipated Outcomes:
- Volunteers, including formal and informal educators, are engaged in stewardship activities, such as From Seeds to Shoreline® salt marsh restoration and Beach Sweep/River Sweep® litter cleanup.
- The Consortium is partnering with a diverse group of organizations, institutions, and individuals.
- Consortium information is delivered to target audiences and the general public in a timely fashion and user-friendly formats.
- The demand for the Consortium’s publications is increased.
- High-quality outreach publications are produced.
- Consortium website continues to be a significant source of coastal and ocean information.
- Consortium activities are covered in the traditional mass media and web-based media.
- Public understanding of coastal and ocean issues is increased.
Performance Measures and Four-Year Targets
- Number of P-12 educators who participated in Sea Grant education programs. [NSGO Cross-Cut Output Measure] 800
- Number of P-12 students reached through Sea Grant-trained educators or directly through Sea Grant education programs. [NSGO Cross-Cut Output Measure] 32,000
- Number of Sea Grant products that are used to advance environmental literacy and workforce development. [NSGO Measure] 48
- Number of people engaged in Sea Grant-supported informal education programs. [NSGO Measure] 500
- Number of Sea Grant-supported graduates who become employed in a job related to their degree within two years of graduation. [NSGO Measure] 70
- Number of scientific, technical, and educational products produced by the Consortium and its partners that address issues and opportunities related to environmental literacy and workforce development. 20
- Attendance at Consortium-sponsored/co-sponsored environmental literacy and workforce development workshops and information events. 30,000