S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
The edge of a tidal creek with spartina grass.

The South Carolina Water Monitoring Portal

The South Carolina Water Monitoring Portal is an ArcGIS-based, geospatial application that displays statewide water quality data on an interactive map.

The Portal is a user-friendly tool and makes data more accessible to assist researchers, technical managers, and extension professionals in protecting our state’s waters.

Using the Portal

Instructions and more information on data availability can be accessed directly within the portal.

Water Quality Portal

Video Instructions

The shape of the state of South Carolina with many dots indicating water quality testing sites.

Data Filters and Parameters

The portal specializes in filtering and visualizing capabilities including:

  • Water quality category (i.e. alkalinity, bacteria, nutrients, etc)
  • Date of collection
  • Organization of submission
  • Location-based (county, watershed, and sub-watershed level)
  • Users may also download data from the portal application.

Where Does the Data Come From?

At launch, the portal hosts over four million water quality data records and continues to grow. Data is collected and reported by many public and private sources, including South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, United States Geological Survey, and the Environmental Protection Agency.


This web application was co-developed by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium and the College of Charleston.

S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
College Of Charleston Logo