Salt Marsh Lessons, Activities, and Resources for Students
Companion lesson plans and activities about the salt marsh ecosystem to teach alongside From Seeds to Shoreline.

Salt Marsh Guide and Lesson Plans
The Guide to the Salt Marshes and Tidal Creeks of the Southeastern United States is a comprehensive online ecological and natural history guide, available in English and Spanish.
Salt Marsh Guide Lesson Plans (designed by teachers)
Spartina Through the Seasons
A photo each month for a year shows how marsh grass grows throughout a season.

Spartina Posters
These educational posters show the main facts and distribution of Spartina, and make a handy addition to the S2S program. Available for download, or request poster-sized printed copies from E.V. Bell, Marine Education Specialist, at
Salt Marsh Activity Book
This activity book supplements the Guide to the Salt Marshes and Tidal Creeks of the Southeastern United States.