S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
A salt marsh and tidal creek with trees in the distance.

Collaborative Research and Outreach Programs

The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s staff lead a variety of focused initiatives in our program areas.

Egret in salt marsh.

Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

Vision: The ecological, social, and economic value of coastal and ocean ecosystem functions are documented and the resultant information and tools are delivered to state and local decision-makers, resource managers, and interested public.

Sustainable Coastal Development and Economy

Vision: Decision-makers apply science-based information and tools to manage increased population growth and development resulting in sustainable communities, thriving economies, and healthy natural resources.

Folly Beach lightning.

Weather and Climate Resilience

Vision: Coastal communities, residents, and businesses understand the risks and vulnerabilities caused by weather and climate events. They are prepared for and able to recover from and adapt to these hazards with minimal disruption to social, economic, and natural systems.

School of fish.

Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

Vision: Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the coastal region are economically vibrant and are compatible with changing demographics, business development, regulatory environments, and long-term conservation of natural and cultural resources.

Spartina lesson in the greenhouse

Scientific Literacy and Workforce Development

Vision: A scientifically literate public, at both youth and adult levels, understands the value and vulnerability of coastal and marine resources, makes wise decisions regarding these resources, and supports the development of a well-trained and diverse workforce in coastal- and marine-related careers.