Strengthening and Expanding Regional CEC Initiatives to Promote Research-to-Application Partnerships
This project is supported by a grant from the National Sea Grant Office and NOAA. Following the release of a Request for Proposals to address the priorities identified in our Primer and a subaward grant, we were able to fund two additional projects that were submitted to the competitive research competition.
Supported Research Projects
Jim Anderson, Ph.D., Director, James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, Clemson University
Elucidating Patterns of Microplastic and PFAS Contamination Using Alligators to Explore Exposure and Fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Wetlands
Steven Murawski, Ph.D., Professor, University of South Florida
Does Variability in Coastal Hydrology Affect the Sources and Concentration of CECs in a Large Estuarine System in Florida?