In recent years, researchers have described the importance of geography in our daily lives. Where we live, geographers say, profoundly affects how we live. Now a growing number of government planners are using new geographic tools to manage development, conserve natural resources, and protect lives and property during hurricanes and other natural disasters.
Coastal Heritage – Keeping Watch: Technologies Track Forces of the Sea
A revolution is coming to ocean science, allowing researchers to study the marine environment in a more detailed, timely fashion than ever before.
Coastal Heritage – New Technology: Driving Advances in Coastal Science
In the past 25 years, technology has accelerated extraordinary advances in how scientists record, measure, and process information, and thus has revolutionized research.
Coastal Heritage – Island Science: Special Ecosystems Lure Researchers
South Carolina’s wealth of undeveloped barrier islands and sand banks are hotbeds for research because natural processes occur on those landforms with minimal human intervention.