S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

Salt Marshes

Nature-Based Solution Manual for Kiawah Island

This manual represents several years of research and engagement by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and partner organizations and highlights nature-based solutions to strengthen human and wildlife community resilience. These practices were vetted by scientific and...

Sporobolus alterniflorus through the seasons

Sporobolus alterniflorus (formerly Spartina alterniflora), the common smooth cordgrass that dominates coastal marshes in the southeastern United States changes from month to month. Follow along on a journey through a year in the marsh.

Of Sand and Sea: Teachings From the Southeastern Shoreline

This book answers questions about the ocean – how it was formed and what lives in it. The book contains a comprehensive explanation of ocean zones, plate tectonics, the hydrologic cycle, and the physical and chemical properties of the ocean.