The biological invaders are coming! The Earth, conservationists say, could become increasingly dominated by hardy, prolific, adaptable exotic species such as the zebra mussel and the fire ant.
Invasive Species
Coastal Heritage – Knocking Back Biological Invaders
Global trade and travel are moving biological invaders around world, causing billions of dollars in damage and displacing native species.
Coastal Heritage – Red Lionfish: A “Super-Invader” for Supper?
The red lionfish is a “super-invasive” species that is taking over reef systems in the western Atlantic and Caribbean.
S.C. Task Group on Harmful Algae Newsletter – Spring 2003
Scientists studied bald eagle deaths in the Southeast due to avianvacuolar myelinopathy, or AVM, and a possible link between the condition and the presence of the blue-green algae growing on Hydrilla in man-made reservoirs.
Coastal Heritage – Island Science: Special Ecosystems Lure Researchers
South Carolina’s wealth of undeveloped barrier islands and sand banks are hotbeds for research because natural processes occur on those landforms with minimal human intervention.