S.C. Sea Grant Consortium


Folly 2050: Planning for Water

A 2023 update of the 2017 City of Folly Beach Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan. It includes recent climate data, as well as new infrastructure and drainage projects and policy updates.

Flood Vulnerability Assessment: City of Beaufort, S.C.

A report by a team from S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments on the history and science of rising sea levels and potential flood mitigation strategies was prepared for the City of Beaufort and presented at a public meeting in January, 2020.

Inside Sea Grant Newsletter – Summer 2011

This newsletter includes: The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium received high marks from a national review team. SECOORA spun off the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium as an independent non-profit for ocean observation. A climate adaptation initiative lead to the creation of flood and sea-level rise maps for Charleston, S.C. Researchers looked into the causes of hypoxic events in Long Bay off the coast of Myrtle Beach. Researchers studied the survival rates of horseshoe crabs after bleeding for medical purposes. A brochure on low impact development was released, as well as a web portal showing South Carolina LID projects.