S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

Community Planning

Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities: Undergraduate Internships, Graduate and post-graduate fellowships, Career Development

Folly 2050: Planning for Water

A 2023 update of the 2017 City of Folly Beach Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan. It includes recent climate data, as well as new infrastructure and drainage projects and policy updates.

Flood Vulnerability Assessment: City of Beaufort, S.C.

A report by a team from S.C. Sea Grant Consortium and Carolinas Integrated Sciences and Assessments on the history and science of rising sea levels and potential flood mitigation strategies was prepared for the City of Beaufort and presented at a public meeting in January, 2020.

Inside Sea Grant Newsletter – Winter 2009

This newsletter includes: Governors in the Southeast states formed a regional coalition to better manage and protect ocean and coastal resources, ensure regional economic sustainability, and respond to disasters such as hurricanes. A citizen’s guide to community planning in South Carolina was published. Scientists studied hypoxic events off Myrtle Beach. New resources for fisheries were developed.

Inside Sea Grant Newsletter – Summer 2008

A website was developed to provide resources to coastal decision-makers, community planners, and local officials. S.C. Sea Grant Consortium researchers helped improve Georgia stormwater policies. S.C. Sea Grant Consortium-backed research lead to development of an improved nail design for preventing wind and earthquake damage. S.C. Sea Grant-back erosion research was featured on national television. Shrimpers in South Carolina learned about using biodiesel as a sustainable fuel source.