Although South Carolina has one of the smallest populations in the country, its coastal region is expected to experience unprecedented growth in the coming decades.
Coastal Development
Coastal Heritage – The Beauty of Sprawl
If New Urbanists got their way, sprawling suburbs would become an endangered species. But the public, so far, isn’t going along.
Coastal Heritage – Coastal Growth Hits Home
New land-use regulations in two South Carolina coastal counties have sparked fierce debate. Rural neighbors, developers, and conservationists wrangle over development and property rights.
Coastal Heritage – The Freeway City
The South—where sprawl is king and where spread-out growth accelerates faster and farther than anywhere else.
Coastal Heritage – Nature or Nurture?
Driven out of their habitats, many wildlife species are flourishing in America’s urbanized areas, thriving on our handouts and causing nuisances.
Coastal Heritage – A Line in the Sand: Nourishing South Carolina’s Beaches
For now, nourishment seems the only practical answer to erosion. But, in the long run, most beachfront property owners will have to retreat. The longer we wait, the more costly it will be.
Coastal Heritage – The Coast’s Great Leap
How fast is too fast? In a single generation, the South Carolina coast has been transformed.
Coastal Heritage – Old Cities, New Life
Innovative developers and civic leaders are drawing residents back to older suburbs and formerly blighted areas.
Coastal Heritage – Will Climate Change Devastate Coastal Property Insurance?
Property insurers say that the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coastlines are increasingly becoming a more dangerous place due to hurricanes – and that climate change is an important reason why.
Low Impact Development in Coastal South Carolina: a Planning and Design Guide
This comprehensive manual on implementing low impact development practices provides engineering tools, planning guidance, and case study examples that are relevant to the South Carolina coastal zone.