S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
A distant beach sunset with sea oats in front of it.

Project Updates

Economic Impact of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

Economic Impact of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

A recent report found that every dollar appropriated to the Consortium results in $9.23 of new economic activity for South Carolina, creating an annual economic impact of $9.0 million.

Charleston Makes City Heat Proclamation

Charleston Makes City Heat Proclamation

April 23rd to May 3rd was proclaimed “South Carolina Heat Safety Week” by Governor Henry McMaster and Charleston City Mayor William Cogswell.

Forested Wetlands Conference a Success

Forested Wetlands Conference a Success

The Forested Wetlands of the Upper Estuary conference brought together 120 participants to discuss the state of knowledge regarding tidally-influenced forested wetlands.

Bell Wins S.C. Environmental Awareness Award

Bell Wins S.C. Environmental Awareness Award

E.V. Bell, the Consortium’s marine education specialist, won the 2023 S.C. Environmental Awareness Award for developing and implementing the Palmetto Environmental Education Certification program.