Lexi Watson
Thin Layer Placement Graduate Assistant
Employed by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium since 2023.
Contact Info
(843) 953-2094
About Lexi Watson
Lexi Watson is assisting with the project titled “Developing a Framework for Assessing the Benefits and the Feasibility of Thin Layer Placement in South Carolina,” which is led by Coastal Processes program specialist Katie Finegan, P.E. She is gathering information and supporting material to develop a tool which will assist in locating possible sites where a marsh management technique, called thin layer placement, could be beneficial and successful in South Carolina. The information Lexi is gathering covers a wide variety of fields: economic, ecological, regulatory, and socio-cultural to help provide a multi-disciplinary overview of this promising mash restoration method.
Lexi currently is earning a M.S. in environmental and sustainability studies at the College of Charleston (CofC). She received a B.S. in marine biology from Old Dominion University. Lexi also teaches a general biology lab for undergraduate students at CofC. Prior to joining the Consortium, she worked with the Maryland Department of the Environment in the wetlands and waterways program through a mentorship with the Chesapeake Bay Program, where she continued with living shoreline work that she has been doing for the past six years.