Katie Finegan, PE
Coastal Processes Program Specialist
Employed by the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium since 2021.
Contact Info
(843) 349-5017
About Katie Finegan
Katie Finegan, PE, joined the Consortium in 2021 as coastal processes program specialist, a position shared with the Burroughs and Chapin Center for Marine and Wetland Studies at Coastal Carolina University. Katie contributes her technical expertise and knowledge to provide a wider range of services to those requesting science-based information and assistance about coastal processes—the connection between upland watersheds and the ocean, coastal hazards, and how to enhance resilience to these hazards.
Katie earned a M.E. and B.S. in environmental engineering, both from North Carolina State University. Prior to joining the Consortium, Katie was an engineer with Moffatt & Nichol where she worked on coastal-, water resource-, and environmental-engineering projects in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Her areas of expertise include coastal management, coastal change analysis, and soft-engineered coastal protection.