How We Work
Stakeholder-driven and needs-based applied research is a core component of our Sea Grant program. We work with researchers across universities in South Carolina and across all scientific disciplines to answer priority questions of our stakeholders in each of our focus areas. Often, answering priority questions necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration, an area where the Consortium excels due to our wide reach across our member institutions and partners.
Once research is completed, our extension team translates the science in an objective and comprehensible fashion so that end users are able to make optimal decisions based on research findings. This takes many forms including one-on-one interaction, fact sheets, infographics, presentations, technology transfer, training, tool development, demonstrations, and workshops. The goal of our extension program is to take complex scientific information and show people how to use it to solve problems.
Education and Workforce Development
Through our marine science education program, the Consortium fosters K-12 student and teacher engagement through hands-on learning experiences, supports professional development of teachers through continuing education programs, and works with schools to incorporate environmental science into the classroom. By engaging youth in marine topics and environmental science, the Consortium seeks to build a diverse pipeline of scientifically informed students who have equitable access to careers in marine-related fields. Fellowship, scholar, and intern programs for undergraduate and graduate students provide experience and opportunities directly related to jobs in South Carolina.
Our Sea Grant program serves as a broker of neutral, objective, science-based information provided in user-friendly formats to coastal resource managers, policymakers, business and industry groups, educators, and the public so they have a better understanding of coastal and marine ecosystems and processes, the human impacts upon coastal and marine resources, and are able to appreciate, care about, and manage these resources. This information is produced and disseminated in a variety of formats, including regularly published magazines, e-newsletters, brochures, fact sheets, reports, press releases, and online content via the Consortium website, subsites, and social media platforms.
Administration and Management
Unique to Sea Grant College Programs, administration, extension, communications, and education staff are located in an independent state agency that administers the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium. The Consortium includes Clemson University, Coastal Carolina University, College of Charleston, Francis Marion University, Medical University of South Carolina, S.C. Department of Natural Resources, S.C. State University, The Citadel, and University of South Carolina. The administration oversees all operations of the agency, including staff support, grants programs, fellowships, internships, and scholars programs.