Flooding 411
Are you worried about whether floods could damage your home or property in coastal South Carolina? Confused as to where all the water is coming from, why there’s so much of it, and what might happen in the future? Join us for Flooding 411, an educational program where you can learn how to protect yourself, your family and your property from flooding.
Flooding 411 is an educational program addressing flooding issues faced by coastal South Carolina residents. Various scientific, government, and education experts deliver information on subjects such as flooding safety, property protection, community impacts, who to contact, and more.
Ask an Expert Hour
These one hour, lunch-and-learn sessions focus on timely and specific, flooding-related topics. Experts present and then are available for questions from attendees.
Understanding Flood Insurance
The basics on residential flood insurance in Coastal South Carolina, with Q&A by Lisa A. Sharrard, who has been working in floodplain management and flood insurance for 30 years.
Meet your Local Floodplain Managers
Mark your Calendar – September 14, 2022
Mark your Calendar – December 7, 2022
Flooding 411 Roadshow
For communities who would prefer to receive information from the Flooding 411 Webinar Series or the Ask an Expert Hours in an in-person format, we can develop presentations tailored directly for your community’s needs.
Would you like Flooding 411 in your community? Contact us at flooding411@gmail.com.
More Information
For more information, visit our YouTube Channel or contact the Flooding 411 Team at flooding411@gmail.com.