S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

News Story

Consortium Logs 103 Impacts and Accomplishments in Annual Report

Jan 3, 2024

From February 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023, the Consortium and its member institutions documented 103 impacts and accomplishments, 71 products and tools, and 21 journal articles within five focus areas: Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Coastal Development and Economy, Weather and Climate Resilience, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Scientific Literacy and Workforce Development.

Augering Wells

Photo: University of South Carolina researcher Alicia Wilson and graduate students install a groundwater monitoring well. Photo courtesy of Caylor Romines, Beaufort County Open Land Trust.

The Consortium achieved $13,606,519 in economic benefits by providing planning assistance to communities to enhance their resilience to hazards, delivering technical support to coastal industries, and implementing education programs. These economic benefits include one business created and 25 businesses sustained; one job created and 224 jobs retained; and 78 students supported through research projects, fellowships, and internships. In addition, education efforts engaged about 17,000 P-12 students and 609 P-12 formal and nonformal educators.

Contact Susannah Sheldon, Research and Fellowships manager, at (843) 953-2083 for more details about the annual report.