S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
Coastal Reading Club Logo.

 All Booked Up Coastal Reading Club

Are you a formal, nonformal, or homeschool educator interested in discussing books focused on the environment? Join the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s Coastal Reading Club!

Our next book club selection will be Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.    Learn more about this classic novel and author. 

Our next book club meeting to discuss this book will be held in May or June 2025. New members receive a free hard copy if you register by February 28, 2025.

Our Next Book Selection

Version 1.0.0

Why You Should Join

Access to quality books about coastal South Carolina.
Obtain renewal credits.
Network with educators across the state.
Educators receive a complimentary copy of their first hard copy book.
Meet the author (when possible).

Details and FAQ

Who Can Join?

While this book club is geared for formal, nonformal, and homeschool educators, anyone over 18 is welcome to join.

What is the Cost?

Membership is free-of-charge.

What Genres of Books Are Selected?

Members decide on the book that they want to read and discuss. Nonfiction, fiction, poetry, etc. are all options!

How Many Books Will I Read?

Between one to two books will be selected each year.

Do I Have to Read Every Book Selected?

Not at all. You can opt out of reading and discussing a selected book.

What is the Format?

A discussion date will be selected by the members to discuss each book. Discussion will be led by members of the Coastal Book Club and/or the author (if they are able to attend).

How Do I Obtain the Book?

Educators (only) will receive your first hard copy book free-of-charge. The following book titles selected will be up to you to obtain (hard copy or audio).