S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

News Story

Annual Board Meeting to be Held on October 29

Oct 11, 2024

The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Board of Directors will hold its annual meeting from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The meeting will be held virtually. 

Members of the media and the public are invited to attend. Please register on/by Monday, October 21 at www.scseagrant.org/bod-registration. 

Items on the agenda include a discussion of the agency’s FY2025-2026 state budget request; an update on the agency’s program performance including highlights of the year’s activities; discussion of the upcoming federal site review and election of the next Consortium Board Chair and Vice-Chair. 

The Consortium’s Board of Directors is composed of the executive officers of its member institutions. Current board members are: Mr. Robert H. Boyles, Jr., director of S.C. Department of Natural Resources and Consortium Board Chair; Consortium Board Vice-Chair; Dr. Geoffrey I. Scott, Clinical Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at University of South Carolina; Dr. James P. Clements, president of Clemson University; Dr. Michael T. Benson, president of Coastal Carolina University; Dr. Luther F. Carter, president of Francis Marion University; Dr. David J. Cole, president of Medical University of South Carolina; General Glenn M. Walters, president of The Citadel; Dr. Andrew T. Hsu, president of College of Charleston; Colonel Alexander Conyers, president of South Carolina State University; and Dr. Michael Amiridis, president of University of South Carolina.