2012-2014 Research Projects
Every two years, the Consortium asks researchers to submit proposals for the funding provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through the National Sea Grant College Program.
Each project undergoes a rigorous peer review. The selected projects support critical research goals for our state and region.
The Coastal and Ocean Landscape
Research Vision: The ecological and economic value of coastal and ocean ecosystem processes are documented and resultant information and tools are delivered to state and local decisionmakers, resource managers, and interested public.
Sustainable Coastal Development and Economy
Research Vision: Decisionmakers are aware of the impacts of population growth and development on coastal and ocean ecosystems, and apply science-based management tools and techniques to balance this growth with resource conservation.
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Research Vision: Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the coastal region that is compatible with changing demographics, business development, regulatory environments, and long-term conservation of natural and cultural resources.
Hazard Resilience in Coastal Communities
Research Vision: Coastal residents, communities, and businesses understand the risks and vulnerabilities associated with both chronic and episodic coastal natural hazard events, and are prepared for and able to recover from them with minimal disruption to social, economic, and natural systems.