S.C. Sea Grant Consortium

Launching the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium’s Commercial Seafood Apprenticeship Program

Coastal Science Serving South Carolina

The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium is a university-based program that generates and provides science-based information to support the wise use and conservation of South Carolina’s coastal resources and create a sustainable economy and environment.

Operating a heat tracking device.


We facilitate coastal and marine research by identifying and funding peer-reviewed projects that address critical data needs for our state and region.


We support the informational needs of coastal residents by making science-based information, expertise, and education about coastal issues available to the public.

Researchers install sensors in a salt marsh.
A group of teachers learn about Spartina in a salt marsh.


We develop resources for educators and students such as educator training, education programs, and undergraduate and graduate support to further ocean science education.

Coastal Heritage Magazine

Where the Wild Places Are: Captivating Carolina Bays

Where the Wild Places Are: Captivating Carolina Bays

Carolina bays have long captured the human imagination. From asteroids to whale wallows to melting glaciers, origin stories of these unique elliptical depressions found throughout the Atlantic Coastal Plain continue to provide intrigue.

Project Updates

Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled

Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled

The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium Board of Directors will hold a meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Monday February 10, 2024. The meeting will be held virtually.

Investigating Water Quality in the Edisto Island Watershed

Investigating Water Quality in the Edisto Island Watershed

What impact can clean water and public awareness of contaminants have on a coastal community? For Edisto Island and the Town of Edisto Beach, a clean watershed could mean increasing opportunities for wild shellfish harvesting—and the economic and cultural boon that represents.

Consortium Member Institutions

Clemson University Logo
Coastal Carolina Logo
College Of Charleston Logo
Francis Marion University Logo
Scdnr Logo
SC State Univeristy
The Citadel Logo
University Of South Carolina Logo